Diana Cannon Ragsdale
Find What Gives You Joy and Happiness
Diana Cannon Ragsdale has written a harrowing & hilarious memoir called “Loose Cannons.” The book spans more than 60 years of multigenerational dysfunction in the shadow of a Mormon dynasty.

Diana Cannon Ragsdale was born into utter chaos. She shares with Dr. Lycka her very personal story with details from her harrowing & hilarious memoir called “Loose Cannons”.
Guest Contact Info:
Guest Bio: Diana Cannon Ragsdale is an author, retired physical therapist, and mental health advocate for survivors of abusive and dysfunctional families. Diana attended Utah State University on a dance scholarship and then several years later received her degree from the University of Utah.
In retirement, she has dedicated herself to travel and creativity. Today, she lives happily in Salt Lake City, Utah is married and a mother of five and grandmother of eight. Loose Cannons is her first book.
Official Site: https://www.dianaragsdale.com
Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/DianaRagsdaleAuthor
Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/LooseCannonsMemoir
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